Office Chair repair service for the District Kaiserslautern
Office Chair repair service for the District Kaiserslautern
A modern office chair is very comfortable and has various
options to the adjust for the optimum seat height.
So, it is possible to change the height and the angle.
It's impractical if undesirable happens only, such as for example :
When the seat shuts itself down.
The Office Chair is lowered by itself ?
The Office Chair has no force suspension ?
Adjust the seat height no longer works ?
Now arises the question, repairing or buying an new Office Chair ?
If you decide for a repair, then it can do it by
Information by phone at 0162 439 6216 or email.
Office Chair or swivel chair repair service
Frank Stockinger, Repair Service
Lutzerstraße 31 in 67655 Kaiserslautern
Registered by master company in Kaiserslautern.
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Für den Fall einer verbraucherrechtlichen Streitigkeit gibt es die Online-Plattform zur außergerichtlichten Streitschlichtung der Europäischen Union. • Infos zu Servicerufnummern
Inseriert von Repair Service Frank Stockinger
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locksmith & repair Service & Door locks
Frank Uwe Stockinger
Lutzerstraße 31
67655 Kaiserslautern, Germany ( Near Ramstein Air Base )
Telefon 0162 439 6216
USt-Id Nr.: DE148609506
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern
Registered in metal construction and locksmith crafts Kaiserslautern.
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