Sie sind hier: Start Bücher, Filme, Tonträger Bücher Bildband, Bilderbuch ROBERT LEBECK - Vis-à-vis


- Hans-Michael Koetzle
- 262 Seiten, geb., m. OU
- Texte : deutsch und englisch
- Steidl Verlag, 1. Aufl. (1999)
- 27 x 29,5 cm
''For many years Robert Lebeck has been the cornerstone of photojournalism in Germany. After a short time as a photographer he produced reportages for leading German magazines. He became a '' star '' in the field of photojournalism, because he had an antenna for relevant subjects. Frequently, just a few pictures would neatly convey a situation. His pictures are always distinguished by the contents and formal quality. Pictures from his famous photo stories about '' Afrika im Jahre Null '', '' Spanien unter Franco '' or '' Deutschland im März '' are recognized icons and are regularly reproduced in anthologies about photojournalism. Lebeck worked also in the field of portrait photography producing endless pictures of leading figures in Germany. Some of these pictures are full of humour, others illustrate a respectful distance to the portrayed persons. The series about Romy Schneider is still considered a masterpiece. This book contains the retrospective of an important photographer, who will celebrate his 70th birthday in 1999. Past reportages as well as unpublished photographs and several new works are collected together in this splendid book.'' (Verlag)

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  • ROBERT LEBECK - Vis-à-vis

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