Sie sind hier: Start Bücher, Filme, Tonträger Bücher Bildband, Bilderbuch ERNST HAAS - 3 BILDBÄNDE


- 184 Seiten, OLn, m. OU
- mit einem einführenden Gespräch zwischen Thilo Koch
und Ernst Haas
- Econ Verlag, 1976
- Texte in engl. Sprache
- 50.8 x 50.8 x 50.8 cm
''How does an Austrian living in the United States of America, who belongs to the most famous photographers of our time and who knows the entire globe, see the Federal Republic of Germany?
With this picture-book Ernst Haas has created a portrait of Germany exceptional in every respect. Haas does not show Germany äs it is presented in tourist folders. He discovers his subject, takes his photographs with the eye of an artist. Whal withstands his strict Standards of quality, makes up his idea of modern Germany.
People, cities and landscapes, occasions like the annual ''Kieler Woche'' yachting competi-tion, the Cologne Carnival, the Beer Festival in Munich or an international gymnastics contest in Stuttgart - the motives selected by Haas reveal how multicoloured Germany has become. And his pictures demonstrate this in a true delirium of colours.
Ernst Haas presents the panorama of a country in it``s entire variety, not sparing to divulge the cliches about the Germans. But he proves clearly how these cliches have been replaced by the new image of a younger Germany open to the world. As introduction Thilo Koch interviewed Ernst Haas about Germany, the Germans and the essence of photographic art dealing with man and landscape. Ernst Haas, born 1921 in Vienna, is one of the most renowned contemporary photographers. His first exhibition in Vienna dates back to 1947. Then he worked for magazines such äs ''Heute'' and ''Du''. Robert Capra was so much impressed by his style that in 1949 he offered him a Job with the Magnum Agency for which Ernst Haas has created the unique book ''Miracle of Greece''. Soon afterwards ''Life'', ''Holiday'', ''Paris-Match'', ''Queen'', and ''Look'' began to publish his photographs taken in all parts of the world.'' (Umschlag)
- 160 Seiten, geb., m. OU
- mit 106 ganzseitigen Farbfotos
- Econ Verlag, 1973
- 34,5 x 24 cm
''Dieser ungewöhnliche Band ist das Ergebnis jahrelanger Arbeit eines der ganz großen Fotografen unserer Zeit. Die Bilder symbolisieren die Elemente, die Jahreszeiten, die Geschöpfe, die ganze Schöpfungsgeschichte. Ernst Haas` Buch DIE SCHÖPFUNG gilt heute schon als Klassiker. Im Nachwort erläutert Haas, wo und wie er zu diesen Aufnahmen gekommen ist. '' (Verlag)
- 144 Seiten, OLn. m. OU
- 105 Farbbilder
- Econ Verlag., 1975
- 1. Auflage
- 34 x 24 cm

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